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Gefunden: La Viñuela

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También damos las gracias al equipo de WANDAN (www.wanderninandalucia.com) que nos ayudó. Sin ello no hubieramos encontrado ningún cache.

Found it without problems. A nice place here and good friends with us - we had a good time!
in: Feuerzeug
out: Pin
Birgit, Fina, Sabine und Rolf

[This entry was edited by Eberolf on Monday, June 11, 2007 at 11:19:00 PM.]

GCId: GC10212
Owner: harben family
Typ: traditional
D/T: 1/1.5
Land: Spanien
Region: Andalucía
Koordinaten : N 36° 51.970 W 004° 9.609
Gelegt: 29.12.2006
Status: archived
Gefunden: 28.05.2007